Sweet Iyla Grace, today you are TWO years old! I can't believe all the changes that two short years bring- from a snugly, sleepy newborn to a vibrant, expressive toddler filled with personality! Your Papa and I delight in watching you grow, and as always, are ever so grateful you joined our family two years ago today.
At two years old, you are an extremely affectionate little girl. You love to "snuggle Mama a little bit" and will breathe "hi Papa, hi Mama, hi Lucka" (to Veronica- your nanny) in the the most darling affectionate tone. You are so gentle, careful, & deliberate- a keen observer of the world!
You are also very sensitive. You do NOT like when I laugh or when Papa and I hug or kiss! You also do NOT like when I am out with you and engage other children or adults. You want Mama's attention all for yourself and definitely let that be known.
I think you have amazing compassion & your understanding of feelings & emotions is growing more complex every day. For example, a couple days ago while having lunch you purposefully dropped some food on the floor. I firmly told you "food only goes on your tray or in your mouth" (a rule you definitely know). You then looked at me and dropped another piece. My voice was VERY firm now, saying "NO Iyla, do NOT drop food." You started to immediately cry as you processed I really wasn't happy about this. You let me snuggle you and tell you I loved you, then you quoted a line from your Tinkerbell movie, saying "It's all my fault. Tinkerbell sad." I was amazed at your connection to that sentiment in the moment!
Your very favorite things in the world right now are your Sofia dolls (Big Sofia and Little Sofia), who go everywhere with you. You also love to color, and want to "play crayons" all day every day. If I get you a new coloring book it is usually completely filled in within several days! You also play with bath crayons every morning, decorating the sides of the tub and your Sofias. You love watching videos- your favorites being videos of yourself, Tinkerbell movies, Sofia the First episodes, & Super Why. You love your weekly swim lessons, and completely exhaust yourself swimming 6-10 feet underwater to me over and over and over again.
You love going on adventures with us out and about in town. Some of your current favorite spots to go include: the Thinkery Children's Museum, The Little Yoga House for story time, the Driskill Hotel, The Weatherup, Jacoby's, & Bouldin Creek Cafe.
At two years old you are long and lean, and fitting pretty well into 2T clothes- though 18-24 month pants tend to fit you better in the waist. You LOVE picking out your underwear every morning, and will pull out every.single.pair before carefully choosing what beloved pair will be worn for the day. You also love carrying a pair around the house in addition to wearing them!
You are daytime potty trained and continue to be an excellent sleeper- going down sweetly and quietly for naps and bedtime. Your preferred falling asleep position is on your belly with your bottom in the air, feet tucked under you. Once you fall into a sound sleep you usually end up on your back or side.
You are a very good eater, and current hits with you include: strawberries, steak, asparagus, mac-in-cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, blueberries, juice smoothies, Cliff Bars, & your pouches (which we call "suck-sucks").
At two years old, you are an extremely affectionate little girl. You love to "snuggle Mama a little bit" and will breathe "hi Papa, hi Mama, hi Lucka" (to Veronica- your nanny) in the the most darling affectionate tone. You are so gentle, careful, & deliberate- a keen observer of the world!
You are also very sensitive. You do NOT like when I laugh or when Papa and I hug or kiss! You also do NOT like when I am out with you and engage other children or adults. You want Mama's attention all for yourself and definitely let that be known.
I think you have amazing compassion & your understanding of feelings & emotions is growing more complex every day. For example, a couple days ago while having lunch you purposefully dropped some food on the floor. I firmly told you "food only goes on your tray or in your mouth" (a rule you definitely know). You then looked at me and dropped another piece. My voice was VERY firm now, saying "NO Iyla, do NOT drop food." You started to immediately cry as you processed I really wasn't happy about this. You let me snuggle you and tell you I loved you, then you quoted a line from your Tinkerbell movie, saying "It's all my fault. Tinkerbell sad." I was amazed at your connection to that sentiment in the moment!
Your very favorite things in the world right now are your Sofia dolls (Big Sofia and Little Sofia), who go everywhere with you. You also love to color, and want to "play crayons" all day every day. If I get you a new coloring book it is usually completely filled in within several days! You also play with bath crayons every morning, decorating the sides of the tub and your Sofias. You love watching videos- your favorites being videos of yourself, Tinkerbell movies, Sofia the First episodes, & Super Why. You love your weekly swim lessons, and completely exhaust yourself swimming 6-10 feet underwater to me over and over and over again.
You love going on adventures with us out and about in town. Some of your current favorite spots to go include: the Thinkery Children's Museum, The Little Yoga House for story time, the Driskill Hotel, The Weatherup, Jacoby's, & Bouldin Creek Cafe.
Dancing with the Sofias on stage at The Driskill
At two years old you are long and lean, and fitting pretty well into 2T clothes- though 18-24 month pants tend to fit you better in the waist. You LOVE picking out your underwear every morning, and will pull out every.single.pair before carefully choosing what beloved pair will be worn for the day. You also love carrying a pair around the house in addition to wearing them!
You are daytime potty trained and continue to be an excellent sleeper- going down sweetly and quietly for naps and bedtime. Your preferred falling asleep position is on your belly with your bottom in the air, feet tucked under you. Once you fall into a sound sleep you usually end up on your back or side.
You are a very good eater, and current hits with you include: strawberries, steak, asparagus, mac-in-cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, blueberries, juice smoothies, Cliff Bars, & your pouches (which we call "suck-sucks").
Here are a few more photos from your past month of adventures. Happy Birthday sweet girl! Here's to many, MANY more healthy, happy, & fun years ahead!