Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

The 4th of July has evolved over the years into a big family reunion weekend for us. Yesterday our Midwestern clan arrived, and today we will all head to my parent's house in Houston for another round of festivities. Saturday we'll return home, and by Sunday the Houston folks will join in for more celebrating at our house here in Austin.

I was a little nervous about how Iyla would do with all of the company, given her recent affinity for all things MOMMY. I shouldn't have worried. That kid caught on quickly, realizing everyone here was completely in love with her and willing to play with and entertain her! Her 21 month old cousin Liam is also staying with us, which just adds to the cute toddler overload. It's been lovely, and I look forward to the rest of the extended weekend.

In other news, my cycle did officially start again yesterday- as I suspected it would. Upward and onward we go to NYC, and to continuing to trust things will happen in their right time (though admittedly my psychotic TTC brain has started to reemerge, definitely making its sense of urgency known).

Here are a few parting shots of sweet Iyla G from our day together yesterday- she was such a sweet buddy! 

Breakfast out with Mama MOMMY

Splash pad fun! The only way to truly be outside in our 100+ degree summers.

Uncle Terry!

Bath time with Cousin Liam

And a series I like to call "Iyla Grace thinks Cousin Matt is HILARIOUS." He was hamming it up for her in the bathroom doorway while also taking pictures. That little girl was in heaven!

Happy 4th of July everyone! 

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