Tuesday, December 17, 2013

This Week in Photos

I absolutely love the Holiday season, but lately have felt like every spare moment I have (which are few and far between!) is spent planning travel, gifts, recipes, decorations, etc. Not much time for writing blog entries!

As such, I bring you our week in photos (I know, shocking right? Photos?). The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here in Austin (mid 60's and sunny), and we have definitely been soaking it up.


Over the weekend we headed out to our friend Lily's 4th grade Christmas performance, where Iyla made some new friends and also met Santa:

Iyla couldn't contain her excitement

She had a couple of play dates with her buddy Henley, who lives in the neighborhood and is only 1 day younger than her:

He was giggling the entire time he pushed the wagon

She greeted me daily post-nap with an offering of a pacifier:

Had fun cruising the couch looking at Christmas decorations:

Had some feline spies watching over her shoulder as she ate:

Reconnected with her new friend, Shadow:

Spent time snuggling with me while watching all of her favorite Super Simple Songs music videos:

Figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets, found a container of bubbles, and promptly requested we play with them by handing them to me and making blowing sounds:

Played in the backyard leaves:

She was definitely humoring me and quickly started requesting to get up and "gauk!" again

Watched the outdoor kitties while soaking in some sun:

Played at the park:

And modeled some Holiday wear:


We head to Houston this weekend for Christmas celebration #1, then begin celebration #2 back home in Austin next week. We're all looking forward to a wonderful Holiday whirlwind!

Now if I could just find time to begin all the baking I need to do….

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