Friday, September 9, 2016

Big Girl School 2016

Iyla officially started her "Big Girl School" a few weeks ago (August 23rd)!

This was a big deal, as she was going from a 3 day/week play based program (8:45-12:30) where the children spent most days frolicking in the garden, to a 5 day/week full time program (8:15-2:30) at an exclusive Montessori School (which we were on the wait list for for two full years!). Her old school had 8 kids total at a time with 1-2 teachers, most of which were Iyla's age or younger (down to 18 months). Her new school? 33 kids! In a mixed age class with 3-6 year olds and 2 full time teachers with one assistant.

Last day at our beloved Austin Children's Garden with Mr. Ben

Iyla had a great first day. She announced to me in the car that first morning that there would be "no kisses" at her Big Girl School, seeming to already be grasping the concept of growing up (too fast, too fast!). She walked confidently up to her school gate where Ms. Susanne greeted us- keeping everything super quick and concise with the hand off so there wasn't any time for Iyla to think too hard about things. And she was off!

Her family of "Dinies" accompanies us everywhere these days.

That first morning we got two phone calls, three texts with photos, and an email- all giving us updates that Iyla was doing great:

The 2nd morning there were a few tears at drop off and a few "I want to go back to my old school" heart wrenching comments, but photos sent to us moments later show a happy little girl ensconced in her morning play time:

We are about 2 weeks in and every morning at drop off Iyla has a spring to her step and practically RUNS to her school gate, which makes my Mama heart so happy. The most surprising thing? The teachers asked us if we had a nap mat, as apparently this kid has been NAPPING in the afternoons.


She hasn't napped since she turned 3 last November! Pretty hilarious, and shows that she is really absorbing all there is at her new school. When asked Iyla informed me that she wanted a PINK nap mat for the school "sleepovers" (haha), and picked out one with horses that should arrive in time for school's start next week.

I am so impressed with our Big Girl- she is weathering all of these new changes amazingly well and we just fall more in love with her

Go Iyla Grace!

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