Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Hopeful Frou-Frou Post

You may recall that I have a cousin who has an uncanny ability to predict my pregnancies. Both times I've been pregnant, she had vivid dreams and KNEW before I even knew myself.

When we were in Vegas, she had another vivid dream. Here is the email she sent me on April 2nd, 2014:

So, this could be my crazy subconscious mixing up thoughts of our other cousin's awesome pregnancy news, seeing pictures of my parents with Iyla (the one of my dad just melted my heart) and being habitually late almost every month this year BUT the dream I had last night...

The same colors and vividness of my previous "predictions." 

We were pregnant together, our due dates were the same, and we were driving in a car talking (like my dream with you and our other cousin driving in a car talking about how awesome it was that you were pregnant at the same time). Iyla may have been a little bit older, but it couldn't have been by much because her hair was the same (yes they are that vivid).

I actually had my baby, and dreamt every detail of the labor too- it was crazy. It was a little boy and it is truly amazing the feelings and the love you can actually feel in just a dream.  

Well that sounded crazy, and it probably is- another thought though, I dreamt my last dream of your pregnancy with Iyla while you were on vacation with BC ;)

Last night, upon hearing that this cousin was a few days late on her cycle (she was over with her family for dinner/drinks) her sister and I ushered her into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test, which immediately popped up "PREGNANT." Cue a lot of shock on her part, excitement on mine… because I totally remembered her dream.

And? This morning I got my positive LH surge. Of COURSE! BC's troops have been collected and dropped off, and in 2 hours I will have an IUI. How's that for timing? I think as soon as my cousin saw the word "Pregnant" my ovaries started firing.

My cousin said that if I do get pregnant this cycle it definitely confirms her psychic abilities…so we shall see! I am absolutely still very Zen about it all, knowing another babe- if meant to be- will come in his/her own time.

But dang if there isn't a brilliant rainbow over my head right now with hundreds of unicorns jumping over it! 


  1. ooh!!! Sounds like a prophecy to me! I'd take it! Good luck with the iui! And the brilliant rainbow/zen feeling can't hurt either!

  2. Can I borrow your cousin for some baby-juu-juu vibes? *grin*
    Everything crossed for you!!
