Tuesday, July 5, 2016

37 Week Updates: Baby 2.0

How far along? 37 weeks today!

How big is baby? My apps estimate her in the 6-7 pound range, around 18 inches long. Her lungs should be mostly fully developed, and at this time I am considered "early term" meaning I'm not quite FULL term, but baby should be healthy and ready to go. 

How big is Mama? I am up just shy of two pounds from last week- weighing in at 146.2 this morning, for a total of 36.2 pounds in the pregnancy so far. I had a doctor appointment Friday afternoon where I was checked for any progress, and lo and behold, I was already 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced (though thick) and my doc could feel baby's head. She was low and definitely in position! Of note: I went into labor with Iyla at 37.5 weeks, and when I arrived at the hospital I was 3 cm dilated & 90% effaced.... so.... we are officially on active baby watch.

Sleep? I've gotten over the achy/falling asleep hands (which are still occurring nightly) and am now alternating between my sides and back for sleep. I'm sleeping pretty soundly overall, though waking quite early lately (in the 6-6:30am window).

Food cravings/aversions? Things I've loved this week: watermelon, cheeseburgers, breakfast (always love breakfast! I usually have some kind of scrambled eggs with spinach, onion, & cheese).


*The biggest new symptom is CRAMPS. Last Thursday & Friday I had light period like cramping on and off all day long. Last night? More intense cramping that had me timing contractions from 12-1am and finishing up my packing (those suckers were coming every 3-5 minutes or so).

I then made a mental agreement with baby that went like this:

*Please make it clear when it is THE time to head to the hosptial
*Please let me get some rest before the hard part begins (meaning last night)
*Please- if you have any ability to do so- make things as easy as possible with Iyla care/coordination

Happily I was then able to sleep through the rest of the night, but this morning the cramping is still intermittent and is making it very hard to walk. It's definitely up a notch in discomfort compared to last week.... so I have cancelled appointments for today to take it easy and stick close to home, just.in.case this means it's almost baby time.

*As I mentioned above, my hands are still aching and falling asleep at night- and my right hand especially remains achy & stiff during the day.

Big sister? Iyla had a blast celebrating the 4th of July with our family- largely because she spent most of the day in a swimming pool! That is definitely her idea of pure HEAVEN. Here are a few pictures from our celebration:

And here are a couple cute shots of Iyla from the past week, starting with a new favorite pastime- hanging out in baby sister's crib:

Baby Prep?

Well, our glider chair has officially arrived.


It actually isn't as ostentatious as I'd been envisioning, and definitely would have worked in the nursery if I would have stuck with the original decorating scheme. Here it is resting in our master bedroom:

I had BC place the ottoman in the nursery just to see if the pattern might be passable there- but I think it clashes and competes with the curtains just as I suspected it would:

I do think Iyla's off white glider would look good in the nursery... but I'm not convinced this new chair would work in her room. So.... we shall see what becomes of the new glider! For now, functionality will take precedence and it will stay in our room for as long as baby sleeps there with us.

I'm so curious to see if this baby makes an early arrival like her big sister did, and if all this cramping is leading up to something! Stay tuned....

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